Halcyon Dermatology provides a comprehensive range of medical dermatology services.


Healthy, beautiful skin requires both prevention and treatment – today and tomorrow.

According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Here are some facts you need to know about skin cancer:

  • Anyone can get skin cancer, even those who have skin of color
  • The sun and indoor tanning are the leading causes of skin cancer
  • If caught before it spreads, most skin cancers are curable
  • That’s why having a yearly screening exam is so important!

To spot skin cancer or pre-cancerous growths, we will carefully examine your skin. Specifically, we will look for growths, moles, and any dry patches.

  • Dr. Lee uses “dermatoscopy” for all her examinations
    • A “dermatoscope” is a special magnifying device that shines light on your skin
    • This special skin scope allows us to visualize skin abnormalities at a deeper level and assess patterns that may indicate dangerous spots
  • If we find anything suspicious, we will gently remove all or part of the suspect area
    • This sample will be sent to a lab for a biopsy
    • Process is associated with minimal discomfort and generally does not leave a significant scar

The medical term for skin allergies is “allergic contact dermatitis.” Generally, the allergies appear as a rash after you touch or come into contact with certain substances. Skin can be itchy, cracked, red, sore, and even bleed.

Some of the common substances that cause skin allergies include:

  • Makeup
  • Aftershave
  • Shampoo and soaps
  • Jewelry
  • Medication
  • Clothing
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Paper
  • Ink
  • Construction materials
  • Rubber
“Patch testing” is used to determine if your rash is caused by an allergic reaction.
  • We offer a test of the 36 most common allergens, as well as 10 others found in cosmetics
  • Generally takes several days, and involves three different office visits to read and interpret
    • Paper strips containing antigens (allergic substances) are placed/adhered to your back
    • About 48 hours afterward, the strips are removed and we do the first reading
    • A few days later, you’ll return for the final interpretation and to discuss your results
Coming to see us for skin allergy testing? Download full Patch Test Instructions.


Treatments available for conditions from acne to psoriasis.

If caught early through yearly screenings, most skin cancers are curable according to the American Academy of Dermatology. There are several types of skin cancer. Your treatment will be determined by the type of cancer you have:

  • Most common types are:
    • Basal cell carcinoma
    • Melanoma
    • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Many people also have “precancerous” growths called actinic keratosis
  • A biopsy must be performed to diagnose your skin cancer
  • Precancerous growths can be treated with a special photodynamic (light) therapy
    • Involves applying a topical solution (Levulan) and then waiting for the skin to absorb the product (30-60 minutes)
    • Then, you’ll sit under a special blue light treatment for 8-15 minutes
    • Several treatment sessions are usually required
  • Skin cancer is most commonly treated through the removal of the cancer via surgery
  • Other treatments may include topical medicines, photodynamic (light) therapy or radiation

Rosacea is a common skin disorder. Signs of rosacea include facial redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels.

  • Redness can extend beyond the face, affecting the back, ears, and chest
  • There is no cure for rosacea, but we can develop a plan to:
    • Reduce the appearance of rosacea
    • Prevent symptoms from getting worse

Treatment Options for Rosacea
Rosacea can be managed and improved with:

  • Topical creams
  • Sunscreen
  • Lasers and other light treatments
  • Antibiotics (oral and topical)

Acne doesn’t just affect teenagers. Many adults, especially women, are challenged by acne well into their 20s, 30s, and even 40s. Some facts you need to know about adult acne are:

  • Acne is the most common skin condition in the US
  • It’s a myth that acne “runs its course” or that you must use harsh, drying treatments to combat acne
  • We offer a customized treatment plan to address your specific skin type and improve your skin’s appearance
  • We understand that acne causes more than breakouts – it can affect your confidence!

Treatments Available for Adult Acne
We offer a variety of treatments to help clear acne, prevent blemishes, and promote good skin health. The right treatment for you should not be irritating or cause your skin to be overly dry. Treatments include:

  • Topical medicines to kill bacteria and reduce oil
  • Oral medications (pills) that help kill bacteria or manage your hormones
    • Antibiotics
    • Birth control
    • Isotretinoin (aka Accutane)
  • Laser and light therapy
  • Chemical peels
  • Clinically proven skincare products to moisture and cleanse acne-prone skin
    • Ask about our own specialized line of products designed to give you superior results compared to most drug-store brands!

The medical term for hair loss is “alopecia.” If you suffer from hair loss, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from hair loss – men and women alike.

  • Some of the common causes are stress and family history
  • Women may also experience hair loss after the birth of a child
  • Luckily, most cases of hair loss can be treated

Treatment Options for Hair Loss
The earlier you seek treatment for hair loss, the better the outcome. There are several treatment options we can offer people with hair loss:

  • Topical medications (minoxidil, prescription medications and shampoos)
  • Laser devices that use light to stimulate the scalp
  • Prescription oral medication (pills)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma, injections of your own growth factors into your scalp

Psoriasis is a condition in which your body’s own immune system sends faulty signals to skin cells telling them to grow too quickly. Some facts you need to know about psoriasis:

  • How psoriasis forms:
    • New skin cells grow in days instead of weeks
    • The body does not shed these excess cells, causing skin cells to “pile up” and form patches or “plaques”
  • People with psoriasis generally have one or more family members with the same condition
  • 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis according to the American Academy of Dermatology
  • Many people hide their psoriasis behind clothing and hair, embarrassed by the appearance of the skin patches
    • There are more treatment options than ever to help, so you can bare your skin again!
  • Studies show as the psoriasis clears, many people see an improvement in their quality of life

Treatment Options for Psoriasis
Treatment for psoriasis is individualized. We take several factors into account when designing the right treatment plan for you:

  • Severity of your psoriasis
  • Where most of your skin patches appear
  • Your age
  • Medical history
  • Your emotional and physical health

Once we look at your individual needs, treatment may include:

  • Topical creams for mild to moderate psoriasis
  • Phototherapy (light) for moderate to severe psoriasis
  • Oral medications (pills), injections (shots), or intravenously (administered directly into a vein) for moderate to severe and debilitating psoriasis
  • Phototherapy (light) /Excimer laser for  psoriasis

Eczema and dermatitis are general terms referring to when your skin is dry, swollen, itchy, and discolored (often red). Some facts you need to know are:

  • Many types of dermatitis are often categorized simply as “eczema”
    • The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis, which often affects children
    • Another common type of eczema is contact dermatitis, which includes the rashes you get from poison ivy or oak
  • Diagnosis helps guide the right treatment
    • Treatment depends on the cause of the irritation
    • Causes range from contact with jewelry to irritated nerves

Treatment Options for Dermatitis and Eczema
Treatment will depend highly on the cause of your skin irritation. The first priority will be to determine why your skin is reacting the way it is. Possible options to treat the cause may include:

Warts are skin growths caused by a virus infecting the skin. Some facts about warts you need to know are:

  • Warts are often found on the hands, but they can grow anywhere on the body
  • Because warts are caused by a virus, they are contagious – from person to person or body part to body part

Treatment Options for Warts
We have many options to rid people of unsightly warts; some include:

  • Topical treatments (cantharidin)
    • Causes a blister to form beneath the wart so that it “dies” and can be clipped away
  • Cryotherapy (freezing)
    • Creates a scab that ultimately peels off
  • Removal via electrosurgery (burning) or simply excision (cutting)
  • Injections to boost your immune system so that it can fight off the wart virus


Advanced techniques for removal of moles, skin cancer and more with minimal scarring.

Mohs Surgery” is an effective way to remove most skin cancers – one skin layer at a time. Some facts you need to know about skin cancer surgery:

  • Mohs Surgery is conveniently performed in our offices
    • Uses just a local numbing agent (anesthetic)
  • After each layer of skin is removed, it is examined under the microscope to determine whether any residual cancer remains
    • The goal of Mohs Surgery is to eliminate the “roots” of the skin cancer, which can cause a recurrence if not removed completely
  • Success rates are as high as 99%
Be prepared to spend at least half the day at the office because removal and preparation of each skin layer can take 20 to 60 minutes. BEFORE We’ll inject a local anesthetic REMOVAL A precise area of skin is removed. The average patient requires 2-3 layers for complete removal PROCESS A dressing (bandage) will be applied after the first layer is removed and you’ll sit in the waiting room while we process the skin. REPAIR Once all the skin cancer cells are removed, the area is repaired, usually with stiches. AFTER Most people have little to no pain after Mohs Surgery.
  • Processing includes color-coding each layer with special dyes, freezing the skin, and examining under a microscope
Seeing us for skin cancer surgery? Download full instructions for surgery

It is important to have all skin growths evaluated by the dermatologist. Changes in your skin, like when a mole changes color or shape, may be a signs of a serious condition such as skin cancer.

  • Once we determine the mole, cyst or lipoma (fatty tissue growth) are not signs of a more serious condition, you may want to have them removed
    • This can be done easily and virtually painlessly in our office

Every effort is made to minimize any scarring so there is no sign of the previous mole, cyst or lipoma. Removal techniques vary by the type of skin growth:

  • Moles can be removed by 1 of 2 techniques:
    – Surgical excision (cutting)
    – Surgical shaving
    – Never try to “shave off” a mole at home; this could put you at risk for infection and scarring
  • Cysts and lipomas are generally removed through excision (cutting)

Download Surgery Care Instructions


Track your skin with the help of your doctor and SkinIO's innovative full-body photography platform. Now you can track your skin over time and see what is new or changed. Be proactive in your skin health and catch skin cancer early.

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Xtrac Excimer Laser

XTRAC is an FDA cleared, in-office treatment delivering targeted UVB light to areas of skin affected by psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema.

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